Welcome to Carbon Analytic

CA NPO (Carbon Analytic, Non Profit Organization) guides non-profit groups producing cultivated biomass, cash / food crops and grazing cultivation for sourcing biomass to clean energy production, land / water restoration and sustainable ecological repair. ♦ Cultivated biomass is a clean, sustainable energy form producing stable income while reducing fossil fuel dependence.

The Hemp Biomass Fuel Solution:

The Hemp Biomass Fuel Solution:

Once widely cultivated for fiber and food, field hemp has been restricted for some decades throughout much of the world.  This was largely due to it's similar appearance to it’s narcotic cousin.  In 2018 the US Government federally legalized Agricultural Hemp.  Cultivation is becoming more popular worldwide as a source of raw fiber, seed, oil and non-narcotic medicinal products.

Biomass Facts: Bullet Points

Biomass Facts:  Bullet Points

Carbon Analytic (CA) cultivated biomass refinement follows up on earlier failed efforts in commercial energy production.  New breakthroughs in biomass fuels now represent viable means to transition away from fossil fuel dependence. 

Previous trials using coarse logs, cord wood or extruded wood product have not performed well enough to be brought forward at scale.  Early models have suffered from problems with low energy output, noxious emissions, fuel resource issues and failure to maintain profit.

Healthy Trees, Fuel and Air!

GROWING TREES TO POWER THE WORLD Can we grow enough trees to save our fossil reserves? Yes. The earth currently has only about 50% of the trees it had 200 years ago. Replanting some portion of them into carefully managed arbors makes sense on several levels: 1). Economic. 2). Conservation of fuel reserves. 3). Ecosystems stabilization.