Critical Funding:
Carbon Analytic has made huge inroads in significant areas being overlooked or avoided by current trends in ecological energy production. The site is growing to express both concerns and opportunities in reliable detail. Our goal is to gain sincere trust from those who are truly concerned and understand the legitimate needs.
Carbon Analytic NPO is taking a multi-tiered approach to these topics. This approach allows for funding at the central business incubation level. The effect is to drive CA NPO specific funding to specific regional areas. Even specific projects for individual land tracts can be launched in this way. The later becomes a direct support model to the given land tract(s) within a target project.
For example, picture a "friends and family" donation model helping an individual farm establish it's specific restoration. The net effect is to increase a farm's vegetable production and profitability. When sold back to those "friends and family" at a reduced price the system functions as a kind of "futures" benefit without a broker.
The process of funding for the initiative has several points of outreach. The effort as a pro tem basis is currently pending the non-profit official state filings and approvals to seek tax exempt donations. This means the road must begin by forming under an existing "parent" NPO sponsor previously established as a 501(c)(3) with tax exemption status. Once the parent affiliation is established, the outreach to locate one or more major benefactors (initial donor(s) begins. This early benefactor support is critical in covering early administrative efforts to establish the CA NPO working group. This group becomes an essential element beginning it's formal task of organizing land restoration projects.
Typical start up costs include mostly administrative expenses for formal filings, outreach costs to locate volunteer staffing. Just the bare essentials to conduct regular and reliable business activity, support web presence comprise overhead at this stage. The early efforts of fund raising also fall under the umbrella of the parent NPO.
In the interim, we seek to locate those who would consider to affiliate and make a soft "pledge" we can apprise as the effort moves forward. Following ten years of working in this realm, there is a need for CA NPO to press for public awareness. A soft pledge does not allocate funds but only a commitment to fund in a future given area, as a defined group forms to do the work that's needed. The pledge only becomes realized once the project is formed.
The funding process by way of CA NPO has multiple channels of interest. CA NPO intends to begin a public donation based crowd funding approach in the first part of 2022. This process will first take the form of a donations only based channel. In such fashion CA NPO provides the full accounting and transparency of funds received, reporting back the transparent expenditures. In this model, stages of funding will occur in step with budget. Reporting the ongoing results generate verifiable success as goals are solidified.
There may also be a second route of hosted crowd fund which incorporates those who prefer to affiliate through an established public crowd funding host or similar such as Patreon. Of those we've looked at, the concern is the cost assessed and the timing limits associated with using those services. These funding services tend to be one-time efforts on a closed calendar. They are typically content-limited and sparsely decorated with adequate details about the fund raise. There is genuine concern if donor funds actually go to the underlying cause, but rather payment to the hosting service.
This may satisfy some gray areas of regulation plus separate accountability / transparency and escrow provisions to donors pledging contribution. We must question however, "would increasing the actual dollar volume needed to accomplish the goal serve donors well as simply facilitating a third party process"? We're inclined to think CA NPO can provide this well through it's own reliable means.
Our current research is working to determine: "Why could a CPA firm not do the same thing more cost effectively"? These third party services will end up taking 12-30% off the top. Much above 12% one has to question the cost of business relative to government backed commercial lending as an alternative.
Given initial success, CA NPO will further help others who are gathering under CA NPO to establish their local non-profit efforts to take up the agricultural process working through the CA NPO format. This means steering interested local donors to specific regional groups with a performance track record.
On a local basis this is very important, adding contributed funds from local sources with other state and federal grant resources. Ultimately, the CA for-profit arm becomes the de facto bulk-biomass customer. The bulk-biomass is refined to biomass fuel for end-user consumption. Every ounce of success the local efforts complete, moves directly toward transitioning from fossil fuel basis within the community in question.
As the CA NPO initiative becomes formally established as a 501(c)(3). There is a potential to team the effort to one of the larger and long term established charity organizations to eventually administer the operation once it stands on its own. This insures sufficient growth potential to expand the effort as an exceptional result, with higher penetration nationally and internationally.
Those with questions or suggestions regarding funding are invited to visit the Forums link at the Funding Questions topic. Please consider how you or your team might be willing to commit in return for the continued efforts we're making.
The financial support from those in league with our efforts is both greatly needed and VERY much appreciated.
Thank you,
CA NPO Staff