The Mission, why Carbon Analytic NPO does this...

Few are aware the extent of impact humanity has had on our world over the last 100 years of modern development.  Even before this the impact humanity caused on natural resources began a downward spiral.  Not to bolster fear or panic, but if our impact population impact continues the direction we have, sooner or later we will have tipped the scales beyond repair.  In many ways this is already happening in permanent ecological damage around the world. 

To understand the problem requires learning about the causes, which are many.  In order to organize a response capable of creating improvement, requires a willingness and desire to learn.  To date the problems of pollution, climate and agriculture have reached well outside of a "sustainable" existence.  To be "sustainable" we must manage the resource impact we create and balance demand with preservation.

McGill University defines "sustainable" as... Meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.  Embedded in most definitions of sustainability we also find concerns for social equity and economic development.

The problem begins with the question "Who is responsible for bringing about change?".  Part of that problem begins with governance, seeking to sustain itself by acting on extremes and borrowing on fear to motivate population to follow one direction or another.  When we resign to trust in a governing body alone to make critical decisions "for us", we abandon the personal obligation to care for our own impact on the world around us.  A government has no "conscience" and is free to drive causes outside of sustainability, most times on a relatively short time span.

Damaging the world we live in beyond repair to create comfort and survival are two opposing ideas which simply don't make sense and cannot coexist.  As the damages reach unsustainable extremes the very comfort and survival we sought begins to fail.  Many today who deny the long term risks of our current direction, seem unable or unwilling to learn the need to return nature to a measured and sustainable "balance".

The vision CA NPO fosters is the creation of cooperative assemblies of those holding land and water resources to create partner relationships with those seeking quality employment opportunities.  The non-profit manner by which we target these Co-Ops means...

  • The land / water assets improve in value and sustainability.

  • Employees maximize their net income in the work done.

  • Under-served or under-privileged members of society find viable opportunity to improve income and security fairly.

  • Underutilized assets are used more effectively improving effectiveness throughout a community.

  • government funding designed to stimulate these corrective incentives helps pay for and support much of cost.

The result is a sustainable repair of land and water, production of food / livestock and finally the fuel sources of biomass to produce energy in the need to sensibly transition the energy sector away from the damages of continued fossil fuel consumption.

The mission changes depending on the geographic location, government initiatives and local laws which create the contractual supports to form these business relationships.  CA NPO works to identify the relevant laws, contracts and structures to assist those with interest in forming the relationships and providing education / methods to build sustainable organizations and operations.

Those with interest in learning more can contact CA NPO or register and post in the forums for any questions.