Cause and effect - Environmental impact:

Understanding how we are all impacting our own human survival for energy, pollution and climate is a very complex study.  Carbon Analytic has done the math over the last two years from a view of real (and verifiable) scientific basis on environmental impact.  This, following nearly ten years of developing solid biomass fuel combustion designs to create a clean and scalable combustion model. 

We consider the greater question for most is that of climate warming owed to CO2.  Unfortunately CO2 is not the actual problem we've been led to believe.  That statement today is counterintuitive to what "governmental" science and global media has presented for over a decade.  This is owing to those seeking funding to focus on assumptions regarding CO2, rather than taking a complete approach to define and solve the real problems using real science.

The primary climate driver of warming comes from the oceans increasing in temperature and therefore size as the upper level waters warm.  The oceans are 70% of the surface of the earth and acts as a heat "sink".  That is to say the oceans store and give back heat to the atmosphere as ocean temperatures rise.  Increasing ocean size or volume increases the rate at which climate instability occurs.  We only have 30% of the earth as dry land to survive on.  As oceans rise and flooding continues, we're displacing dry land to survive on in all ocean exposed shores and low lands around the world where the greatest percentage of humanity thrives on ocean bounties for food.  Entire islands are disappearing while mostly fresh water brackish wetlands become increasingly laden with salt water, decimating the plant and wildlife there, dependent on their own ecological stability.

The greater concern being overlooked is ocean levels affecting climate patterns due to a century of new water being added to the ocean resulting from the burning of gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel and natural gas. 

►  For every gallon of gasoline (or equivalent petroleum product) we burn, just over a gallon of new water as vapor is formed.  This is a chemical reaction from the combustion of petroleum hydrogen combining with atmospheric oxygen during combustion forming H2O as a vapor. 

►  For every 60 seconds a commercial jet flies through the air, another gallon of new water is added to the atmosphere.    Add the loss of nearly half the world's forestry, shade and destroyed soil retention and all the water these once stored. 

The sum of this vapor transition to precipitation over the last century has increased the ocean volume and level by more than 10% on top of the increase 60+ percent from ocean warming expansion itself and glacial melt at the pole. These changes are having a critical effect on weather stability leading to regional flooding in some areas and increased drought / desert forming in others.  This is not a normal long duration slow pattern but rather rapid changes from how quickly the effects are accelerating.

By transition to biomass energy, air, land and water restoration, the entire CO2 and water vapor effect CAN be reversed.

To figure out the factual side of this, we need to consider the following...

1. Population increase in the last century (last 60 years in particular)
2. The amount energy consumed per each person (which has doubled globally, per capita)
3. The additional heat expended by that amount of energy and its increase
4. The impact of that energy expenditure from consumption of prehistoric crude oil and natural gas
5. The effects of reflective atmospheric warming (greenhouse) due to deforestation
6. The extent and cause of ocean volume increase caused by all the above.
7. The reflective heat radiation increase resulting from ocean surface and volume increase.

The problem begins when we assume that fossil fuel combustion from crude oil products and natural gas are the only concern, especially if we don't actually understand WHY there are other causes and how they effect us.

Looking at petroleum products alone, we consume an incredible volume, mostly burned 70% in transportation and industry before we even consider the growing use of natural gas.

Petrolium consumption
Fair Use - U.S. EIA Monthly Energy review





It's not just what but also where is the problem and why? that we need to understand.

The chart to the left considers just the U.S. alone before all other nation consumers of petroleum products.



The simple answer before further proof is ...

► Human population has DOUBLED in less than 60 years, to now 7.9 Billion of us around the world.  We're consuming more than double the resources and emitting more than double the harmful emissions due to "technology progress". 

► Human activity has changed the reflectivity of the earth in both direct reflection of infrared heat from sunlight reflecting from damaged barren soils, but also loss of cooling shade due to deforesting and loss of regional evaporative exchange.

► Deforesting releases stored carbon in the tree's structure and roots but also releases a huge volume of water trees normally retain.  These emit as CO2 gas and water evaporated as water vapor. These were part of the natural energy economy nature holds.  In this case however we have released it from storage into the atmosphere.  Approximately three trillion trees, nearly half the earth's volume of shade has been deforested to create non-sustainable farms, property for civilization, transportation, housing, industry, etc.

► Transportation has a double effect that each human now uses more energy and exerts more heat released than ever before.  Electric vehicles will help, but the power to recharge them cannot provide more than 30% by wind, hydro or solar, with the remainder from combustion at electrical utilities powering recharge stations, (currently unsustainable from burning coal and / or natural gas).

► The greater number of transportation vehicles will remain combusting fossil fuels for decades if another source of truly sustainable power is not found.  We are simply too dependent on all forms of fossil fuel at the pace we're trying to correct it unless we can manufacture natural gas and hydrogen fuels from above ground resources sustaiably.

► We increasingly use natural gas (methane  (CH4)) for heating, cooking, industrial and other massive energy consumption.  Natural gas is also a fossil fuel producing CO2, extracted in volume by fracking resulting in continuous leakage of raw methane during mining and combustion.  Methane is 80 times more greenhouse reflective than CO2 and takes 20 years to dissipate.

► Even worse than those concerns above, during combustion we continue to release NEW water vapor into the atmosphere along with all the extra heat we're causing.  The water vapor coming from combustion of fossil fuel means the majority of that water is NEWLY produced from fossil hydrogen from BELOW ground combusting with oxygen, burned above ground.

► As the atmosphere warms it grows in size and can hold ever-more water vapor before it becomes rain.

► Most of the precipitation on earth occurs over the oceans.  All that new added water has gathered increasing the size of the ocean and carrying our additional heat generated and greenhouse heat with it.  As the ocean warms and grows in size and volume it is storing increasingly massive amounts of captured and solar heat being reflected back to the atmosphere and again reflected back at the earth.  The ocean absorbs and re-emits radiant heat driving greenhouse further but also alters key oceanic flows changing where and how weather forms in distribution and severity around the globe and the polar regions.

► New water formation from deforestation and fossil fuel emission accounts for about 10-12% of the increased volume and surface area of the oceans.  The remainder is from glacial melt and expansion of water caused by surface water heating.

Not much there being too much to understand.  Now... let's talk about how increased water vapor affects greenhouse heating in a manner that repeats continuously and grows exponentially...

Water vapor is the most potent form of atmospheric greenhouse reflection there is.  Due to warming, the atmosphere above us (where water vapor is increasing) is now on average 11 kilometers higher around the entire globe than it has ever been in known human history.  This is a relatively huge volume adding greater reflectivity from water vapor's causes.

Not only is increased water vapor accelerating greenhouse heating, but it has a very destructive effect on how it alters the greenhouse effects of atmospheric CO2.  Water vapor is a "force amplifier" of CO2 greenhouse reflection.  That is to say for a slight increase in additional water vapor and density in the atmosphere, a huge increase in CO2 greenhouse heating is amplified in the atmosphere.  It's not a linear effect.  To draw a parallel on water vapor affecting CO2, picture turning up the volume on your car radio 5% but in reality the volume from the speakers is amplified and increases 10% louder.  Turn it up another 5% and  the loudness increases another 12% higher still, and so on.

These are scientifically verifiable facts which have been among the studies of physics for decades.  Unfortunately, global politics today are working to focus solely on CO2 because the cause / effect of increased water vapor has remained mostly "out of sight" out of mind.  We can see smog.  We cannot see water vapor unless you notice it dripping from your car's tailpipe on a cold morning before your engine warms up.

Carbon Analytic's mission has been to create the solutions of replacing fossil fuel with cultivated biomass fuel while even reducing land fill / methane volumes.  Just as refinement was key to using fossil fuel crude oil or natural gas, biomass must also be "refined" to produce massive, clean power production, hydrogen fuel, and clean "neutral" methane and remain not only sustainable, but bring about an emissions negative result of reduction.  Carbon Analytic has the operating prototypes, patent filing and experience in exactly how to accomplish this.  We know we have to rebuild the lost biomass shading and water retention lost to unsustainable deforestation as well as reduce ocean volume. 

Carbon Analytic NPO fosters non-profit organizations to accomplish this, consumes the biomass to energy / fuel production and will support tens of thousands of new quality jobs for those who need them most.  Best of all, government subsidies exist to help pay for the process and have been available for several years now, rarely utilized as intended.

For more detail, please register and post topics in the forums on the site.  For those willing to consider the critically important need to help fund this effort and become part of the solution, see more information under the funding link.